Hope that everyone enjoyed their holidays! Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year! Sorry I have been away so much at this time of year but it has been somewhat of a rough year for me physically. As you know I suffer from chronic pain. Please don't take this as complaining only explaining my long absents from my blog postings.
Now, let me move on to what I would like to share today:
My holidays were unforgettable as my daughter and her family came home a couple of times which meant I got to spend some time with my grand daughter, Nora. She is such a blessing as all children are. The holidays, I feel, are a time to remember the children and understand that it is up to us, the adults, to teach them about life. We live in a world today that seems to be full of hate, people that are just down right mean. But I know that there are still good, honest people, and Christians too! My recovery has taught me and is still teaching me that I can accept someone the way they are. I don't have to like it but I can accept it and let them be where they are at. That doesn't mean that I agree with the things they do or say but we are all God's children.
As you can see my recovery is still on going and a process of learning one day at a time. I was fortunate to be apart of my niece's wedding over the holidays. She is such an inspiration and a very humble soul. Her wedding took place in Memphis TN, so not only was I able to attend her wedding, I had a couple of 'firsts' in my life while there. The trip was long and riding is hard on my body but still not complaining, just explaining. You see there are those that look at me and think 'well she looks okay so she can't feel or be too bad off'! How wrong we can be when we compare our outside with one's inside. Any way, I went with my mom and dad that I live with and who continue to support me while hoping I am approved for my disability.
They are such wonderful and fun loving folks, how could anyone not want to go on a road trip with them? So, seeing how they are both in their 80's and I suffer with this and that, we made the trip going to Memphis a two day journey and coming back home we took two days as well. On the way we stopped in Nashville TN, somewhere I have never been. This was the first first. Then on to Memphis the next morning. A first also. While there my parents and I went to see Graceland. Now, no we did not go in, just up the street, turned around and back to the hotel room. But now I did see it! And the day of the wedding I made a short trip over into Arkansas across the Mississippi River. Short trip, yes over the Mississippi to the first exit, turned around and back across the Mississippi River, but never the less, I did go to Arkansas too!
As tired as I was from all the riding, we still had a wedding to attend. And of all places to have a wedding but at the Memphis Zoo! I must say that this was a wedding unlike any wedding I had ever been to. During the wedding I learned that having it at the zoo was significant because at the first wedding, Adam and Eve, the only attendants were the animals, how cool is that? And the one thing that opened my eyes was how humble the service was. This was not a 'religious' wedding but a spiritual one. Showing how humble they, bride and groom, are and how humble they are to others.
You see, they are both messengers for Christ. They give of themselves unselfishly to anyone and everyone. My niece has been doing God's work her entire adult life. My understanding of her new husband is that he too is a humble a servant of the Lord. Nothing about their wedding was what you would call 'traditional', yet it made me think 'what an old soul these two young folks have'. Now some may not understand that and others will, and that's okay. They showed their humbleness by serving their guest cake, brownies, and other delicious treats as my oldest brother explained why they were doing so. They have and intend to continue to be servants of God's word. Helping those who are in need. And then it hit me, I have been so very wrong about most of the youth of this world. My niece and now nephew showed me that there are those young folks that still live and strive to do God's work in every aspect of their lives. They are those young folks that do have values that they show and principles that they apply in their lives on a daily basis. If only everyone could be a part of such a ceremony as this wedding was. Still gives me goosebumps!
So if there is a message that you take from this post let it be that we are all God's children and even though the world may look unfamiliar at times, there are those among us that are still working and spreading the gospel to others. We do have young people that will one day be the elders of this world that are mindful of God's word and who are doing the best that they can to share the gospel with all that cross their paths. That wedding had so many young people that are friends with my niece and her husband that do the same as they are doing, spreading the word of God to all those that will listen. They all are, were, very humble and grateful just to be there to share in this special event so that someone, anyone may know that God is still at work and He has His soldiers for the future very well prepared and ready for the task they are called to do.
If you have what I call 'God issues' just know that there are those that pray for you and you don't even know who they are. Pray works miracles each and everyday. We only need look outside ourselves to see God at work in others. Thanks for the bent ear, I really do appreciate you all so very much. So I humbly say 'ThankYou'.