Quotes on "Principles before Personalities" -
Bruce Lee - "Obey the principles without being bound by them."
Franklin D. Roosevelt - "One cannot always build the future for our youth; but we can build our youth for the future
Dwight D. Eisenhower - "A people that values its privileges above it's principles, soon loses both."
Dwight D. Eisenhower - "A people that values its privileges above it's principles, soon loses both."
Confucius - "Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."
William Shakespeare - "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
Thomas Paine- "Character in much easier kept than recovered."
Albert Einstein - "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."
Henry Ford - "Quality means doing it right when no one is looking."
Will Rogers - "Live in such a way you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip."
M*A*S*H Col. Potter - "The only guy I have to get better than is who I am right now."
Buddha - "It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe; that lures him to evil ways."
Martin Luther King, Jr. - "The time is always right to do what is right."
Abraham Lincoln - "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
What does "principles before personalities" mean? Simply put it is not worrying about who or what a person does for a living. Principles are rules or code of conduct to live by. Personalities are distinction of personal, social traits. So, to me 'principles before personalities' is simply letting people be where they are and who they are, showing them respect just as another human being. Some of the principles that most of us try to practice are honesty, willingness, courage, faith, trust, forgiving, patience, kindness and the list goes on and on. When we, or I practice these principles in all areas of my life, they allow me to treat folks the way I would want to be treated. And with that being said, I feel like it is living by the 'Golden Rule', do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think as long as I try to apply that into my life then it makes it easier to practice those principles in all my affairs.
Notice I said 'try to apply'? That would mean using and applying principles in my life and doing it correctly letting them guide me in my life. In previous post I have shared on principles like honesty, open-mindedness, and others. As I learn about principles and how to apply them to my life on a daily basis, I grow. Learning and understanding that it makes no difference who you are, what you do for a living or anything about you because I am living and using principles in my life. This simple act makes us equal. Puts us on the same playing field. No one is better than the other. You see, when we apply and live the principles in our daily lives, stay on the same playing field, life works better for all.
There are no commitments like "She is a lawyer and has all these nice things and is wealthy." "They are loving parents and their kids get everything." I say this is all bull crap, that's right bull crap! I think this is part of America's problem right now. So many people think they are all so deserving, it will make you sick to your stomach just to think that. Yes, folks have different jobs, titles, and that's all well and good, but those things are not what makes a person who or what they are. I feel that we should never, ever think like that. It is only putting yourself down. As if you are below someone. I think this is the mentality of a lot of people these days.
For me, I try my best not to judge a person in anyway at all. That is not for me to do. Only God has that right. Yet, I do have my opinion of people and the way society acts today. It is horrible! Everyone thinking only of "self". This is not how it should be. I know that there will always be prejudiced people in the world but I cannot understand why so many. And there again, it is not for me to say. I have to treat people the way I would want to be treated, principles before personalities, the "Golden Rule". If more people would follow this simple suggestion imagine how the world would be today? Don't you agree that it would more than likely be a much better place? Do you not see this happening? Do you practice 'principles before personalities'? The Golden Rule? I do think that if you try to follow the Golden Rule, then you do practice principle before personalities, don't you? Think about it. It can be a hard process to learn, but after you practice doing this every day, it will come easy.
People seem to not have common respect for other people and to me that is very sad. And the younger generation acts horrible to their elders. When I was growing up and to this day, I respect my elders. Why? What does that mean? That means to me that because they are older, they have more life experience than I do, they have been, there done that. How dare I treat anyone, especially someone that knows more than I just because they have more life experience, as if they are stupid or dumb or like they have no idea what they are talking about?
Yes, I understand that the world is not the same as it was, but that is no excuse for treating people with disrespect. I see and hear younger people, out in public, look and speak to their parents as if their parents just fell off that turnip truck, therefore they have no idea how this feels or how that feels! Again, this is BULL CRAP!!!! I would love to be able to just smack the crap out of them when things like this happen. It makes me so mad cause I know if I were to do that my teeth would have went down my throat, I am not exaggerating. I have been smacked when I was smaller, so trust me, I learned to show 'everyone' respect. And no, I have not always done that. As an addict, I was self-centered, selfish and thought that I was right and entitled to what I wanted, when I wanted it and how I wanted it, no matter what. But again, that is what addiction does to your mind. And you must learn things all over again that you were probably taught as a child. I know I was. I, when in active addiction, showed no one respect, not even myself.
So, I hope that you can get something that is helpful from this and the other posts that are up. That is the reason for this blog, trying to give back what has been given to me, a life worth living! I love life and myself and I am sorry if some people take that as me being conceited or that I am boosting because that is not what this blog is about. Yes, I put myself, my beliefs, my feeling and my experience out there, but it is in hopes that just one person, just one person reads this and says "Hey she's talking about me." And all that is needed then is for you to go my resource page to get the information you are looking for.
God bless you all and thank you so very much the love that you have shown me by reading what I am writing. If it were not for the number of people that seem to read this regularly, I would stop posting, but that does not seem to be the case. Thanks again, you are all much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading. I am just so very thankful that someone gets 'something' from this blog. Try my best to give back and help those I can as help was and has been given to me. Thanks again, more to come.