Before I get started I just want to remind everyone that reads this blog that this is my opinion and thoughts and may have some facts mixed in. Just trying, in my own way to say "really and you're just going to sit there as if nothing is happening?" When I write I do it in a way that that maybe you don't or won't understand. From my heart and not so much from my head. With that being said...
July 4th, Independence Day, really??? First, on July 4, 1776 (or there abouts, in 1776 anyway) the Declaration of Independence was signed by the leaders of the thirteen colonies. It was the legal separation from Great Britain and them taxing and trying to rule and control the people here in the United States. And that is when we basically became a country of our own. (closest to facts as I could get)
Now, at the end of this week we celebrate this day in history making all across the USA. We will do it with parades, fireworks, cookouts, trips, and just about any other way you can imagine. The first fireworks display for the celebration of the 4th of July, Independence Day, was on July 4, 1777, one year after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. And that is something that seems not to have changed over the years.
So, this post is not about the 'happenings' on or of the 4th of July, but more as to where this country is at because, I feel, that this document has been ripped up, thrown in the shredder and to h--- with everyone and everything. I sat here watching a reality TV show that had a soldier that had come home from their tour in the Middle East. (not sure which country but that doesn't matter) I sat here and listened and watched as this soldier in front of millions of viewers broke down crying because when they returned home, they HAD NO HOME!! Why?? Because somehow, for whatever reason, the bank had foreclosed and took their home away from them while they were FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM!!
The 'Servicemembers Civil Relief Act' (formerly known as the 'Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act) was put in place to protect the men and women of this country who now, remember. they are ALL VOLUNTARY members, service and protect us night and day. 24/7, 365 days a year, are sent to other parts of the world on tours of duty from legality of losing their property to foreclosure. Now, to put this in terms that some will understand a bit better; I worked for a company that works with different banks to maintain under HUD guidelines homes that the banks are foreclosing on. Now this has been a little over 4 years ago that I worked there but the Relief Act is still in place then and is still in place even today. But if we got paperwork for a home and when we found out that the owner was away on 'ACTIVE DUTY TOUR', we were to immediately make sure that home was secure and protected until that service member returned home.
Now, here is what I would like for you all to consider: how would you feel if you were those soldiers?? How would you feel toward the country that you fought so to protect and they didn't protect you as they should have?? You left your wife/ husband, children, and children not born yet that you missed their birth because of the oath you took and were out do what you were ask to do to uphold that oath?? Your mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent passed away but you missed everything because you had taken an oath to protect this country and other countries that you were upholding your end of the deal?
I venture to say not many of you could even relate to this soldiers dilemma could you? I know I certainly could not! My point, if you have not guessed it by now is: This country was built and raised on principles!!! We come from a generation of people that were tired of having to kiss butt to the 'people in office'. We come from a generation of people that worked hard and built this country on pride, freedom, character, integrity, faith, love, and so on. But my friends I tell you now, we have got to WAKE UP as a people, nation of one and STOP this unjust and illegal actions from the very people we put into office.
There are rules, guidelines that were put in place many many years ago to keep everyone in check that was an elected official. Guidelines that were in place to protect the people from the same rule as our forefathers fought so hard to get away from. Our forefathers knew what could happen so they put in to effect law, rules that had to be followed in order to form a more prefect nation.....
I ask only that you stop and put yourself in that soldiers place and be honest with yourself, could you, would you, be okay with that? Could you say 'Oh well, there's nothing I can do now, just have to accept it and move on?'
Then why, why for pete sakes do we, me included sometimes, sit here like a lump of coal and see the problem, Identify the problem. Know the problem inside and out, but we still allow it to happen without stopping it. Why??? The older generations understand what I am saying, most anyway do. But most of the younger folks have on those 'ROSE COLORED GLASSES' where life is what it is. What they don't understand is it doesn't have to be this so dang hard!!
This country, at one time, was a leader, a country that others could say had integrity, honor, good will toward others and each other, but not today. I feel our country is 'THE LAUGHING STOCK' of the world. Why?? Because so many have just sat back and said 'oh well'. What do you expect me to do?? YOUR JOB, for starters!!! The government or whatever that is in Washington is in no way following the 'checks and balances' that were put in place to ensure that the House followed the rules. Congress followed the rules. Senate followed the rules. And most and foremost that the person elected as President follow rules so that this country would not be turned into what our forefathers fought so hard to get away from...
I am sure that the gentlemen that drew up the Declaration of Independence never in their wildest dreams thought that this country would become what they so gallantly fought against.
I pray our Heavenly Father, that we are not so far gone that the repairs needed will be at a price none of us can bear. I pray that each one of you look at what is happening around you, to you, against you. Lord, I pray that you take hold of this country and shake people to their core if that is what it takes to make people see what this country is becoming or to what we have become. A country that elects people to a position but doesn't hold them accountable for their actions. One that seems to just turn a blind eye and hope that things just 'fix themselves'. Dear Lord I pray that you open the eyes of the many and let them see that the power of a few is no longer OK. Amen.
We can not let our government continue to operate as if they had no boss to tell them what to do...we are their BOSS, yes you read that right we are the bosses of this country and the people we elect into office work for us not for themselves and until someone somewhere turns the light on in a lot of heads this country will only see dark days ahead.
So, now I will get off my soapbox for a while so you can ponder the thoughts and questions I hope you have now if you did not's me, just sayin'...