What a better way to start a new year than with a very emotional praise from a father to his daughter. Those of you that keep up with my blog know that I never give names and most all that I share is from my own experiences. However, there have been times that I hear someone else in recovery share and am so inspired that I feel that everyone should be able to hear what this person is saying about recovery. That there is maybe just one person that will read this and be helped or inspired to help someone else. So, doing as I do, this post is the exact words this father uses to convey his experience, love and hope for his daughter and not only for her but others out there that need to know that you're not alone. That others have the same feelings, struggles and emotions that you have. We all have our own story to tell and some of us allow others to share our stories in the hope that the message will be carried to those that need it, seek it and want it for their own. No longer can people say "Once an addict, always an addict"! For there are far too many of us, recovering addicts, to stomp that tired line into the ground and snuff it out once and for all.
As stated and with his permission, these are his words. With the only change being that I took their names out to keep their anonymity. This is the speech this father gave as his adult child celebrated their first year in recovery. Pardon the spelling or any mistakes that may be found as I'm sure you understand that is not what matters here but the message that he is conveying to them and all that are receptive to hear the clear and concise message he is sharing:
"As tears of Joy and laughter filled the room and Your Spirit, I gazed upon you and saw the look of Pride in your eyes that only a daughter can have for her father...
For what seemed like an eternity, I wished and hoped and most importantly prayed that one day you would find your way to Recovery. For over a year during my travels I shared from the podium the pain, despair and powerlessness of having a child stuck in the horrors of addiction. Members from all over the country and "the world" were praying for you! The Power of Pray is undeniable because on this day January 12, 2016 you, my beautiful daughter celebrates 1 year clean!!! During my travels over this past year, I have shared the joy and miracle of your Recovery. And The Worldwide Fellowship has celebrated with us! Thank you to all for the prayers and Thank you G-Girl for doing what it takes to stay clean!! You are Loved by many. Keep moving forward. The Journey has just begun!!!! Love you so much! Congratulations!!! ♡
For what seemed like an eternity, I wished and hoped and most importantly prayed that one day you would find your way to Recovery. For over a year during my travels I shared from the podium the pain, despair and powerlessness of having a child stuck in the horrors of addiction. Members from all over the country and "the world" were praying for you! The Power of Pray is undeniable because on this day January 12, 2016 you, my beautiful daughter celebrates 1 year clean!!! During my travels over this past year, I have shared the joy and miracle of your Recovery. And The Worldwide Fellowship has celebrated with us! Thank you to all for the prayers and Thank you G-Girl for doing what it takes to stay clean!! You are Loved by many. Keep moving forward. The Journey has just begun!!!! Love you so much! Congratulations!!! ♡
** cautionary tale to all parents- don't turn a blind eye to it, don't let denial win, don't think it's just a "faze". Your privileged, straight A student, scholarship achieving, college bound, beautiful, smart child can fall into the horrors of addiction. It can happen to anyone. It happened to us. Love them, educate them communicate with them. And if still you find yourself in a similar situation as I did with my lovely child, don't give up, fight the good fight. Do what it takes! And remember as long as there the breath there is hope! There is a way out, through the Program of Narcotics Anonymous!"
Addiction is a powerful disease and anyone who thinks otherwise has never experienced first hand or through someone they know. It is cunning, baffling and fatal. There are only two things that I know of that an addict will do: 1) enter into recovery, stop the using of any and all mind and mood altering drugs, or unfortunately 2) continue to use until they die not knowing or even knowing there is a better way. I am a part of a 12 step program and I am in my own process of recovery as all addicts have their own process that they themselves must go through. Some of my journey has been difficult from lack of willingness, trust, and knowledge. However, the biggest part of my journey has been fulfilled with knowledge, people, and strength from God. I started and I still have a grateful heart. I have learned to also have a humble heart and to accept that I will always be an addict and I will always be around addicts. It's just that I choose to be with non-using recovering addicts instead of still with the sick and tired using addicts.
I pray everyday, several times a day, that the still sick and suffering addict will find their way to recovery. Not all of us do. Some addicts enter into recovery, others remain in active addiction, others end up in jail or some other type of institution. While, sad to say, others die. All these endings are necessary for addicts to enter into recovery. Addicts need to see, first hand, what continued using will get them. And yes, sadly, some must die so others can live. For if the still sick, using addict doesn't see that death could be their fate, then they would never question their reasons for using.
Understand that it is hard for me to put this out there just as easy as it is for me to put this out there. For I know, first hand, what addiction can and will do when allowed to grow inside that addict. There is no cure for this 'disease' called addiction. But it can be held at bay and you can learn to live without the using. And mind you, it is not an easy task, this 'not using' part. You have to have the right mind set and continue to press forward no matter how much you hurt or want to use, just one more time. You must have the desire needed to get clean but most of all to stay clean no matter what. It is one of the easiest things you do in recovery, to stop using, but it will also be the hardest things to do, to stop and stay stopped from the active using.
Please, please if you know someone that is suffering or someone that has someone suffering from the disease of addiction, feel free to share this post with them as I feel that it can make a difference in someone's life today..