Monday, October 6, 2014

Nothing Changes If Nothing Changed...

WOW!!  It has been a while since I wrote anything.  And before I start, I want to give thanks and praise to God for doing for me, mom and dad what we could not do for ourselves.  Being ever so mindful that He is in control and all I need to do is let Him have it all.  Keep my hands off of it, do the next right thing for the right reason and blessings do happen.  Now, so much has been going on this year, that it kinda seems unreal.  From mom having a broken back to dad being sick since the first week in July and they still cannot find out why!?!  So many thoughts running through my head, I just couldn't pin point one subject long enough to write about it.  For that reason, this post may be all over the place, but that has been life this year, everything all over the place!!

Ending 2013, my parents and I went to Memphis to see my niece marry.  Beautiful service and very spiritual.  (I did do a post on it, check the archives).  Beautiful scenery going and coming home.  After we finally got back home, mom scheduled an appointment with the doctor about her back.  This was the latter part of the first week in January to mid January.  After xrays and a ct scan, she was told that the last vertebra in her back was fractured, this was toward the end of February..  So, she basically was in the bed for the first 3 to 4 months for it to heal.  In that time, she developed gout, sinus infection and severe acid reflux.  But she was able to get through it all.  Unfortunately she did not get to go on the April trip to see my Little Miss.  However, she did get well enough to make it to Little Miss' first birthday party.  Which, by the way, was wonderful and fun.

Now this was all before the first part of July.  The trip to Greenville NC for the birthday party was made around the 12th of July.  Mom and I spent some time in Greenville so that we could have time to visit with my daughter and her family.  Then mom and I went down to the beach for a brief vacation of sorts.  It was very relaxing and peaceful time.  Mom was feeling much better and I had time to just 'do nothing'.

When we returned home the following weekend from our trip, we learned that dad had been sick just about the entire time we were gone.  He had not said a word to anyone about what was going on until he was continuing to go to the bathroom every 30 - 45 minutes.  Finally, he told mom what was going on and my sister started calling doctors to see what we needed to do to stop this constant diarrhea.  Appointments were made, tests were scheduled and still, they have not found what is causing this.  Many prayers asked and many continue to pray for dad.  He has not been able to go to the ballgames (baseball and football) this entire year.  Not as bad as he was but still not much better.

As  for me, this year has been tough.  My fibromyalgia continues to flare and stay flared up all year.  Rainy days make me feel like a zombie walking around.  My hands, feet, back and neck are the worst of it all.  Plus my body itself is changing as I grow older.  Menopause, I believe, has come to stay.  I have had to work and search in order to continue to receive my medicines that are just so high cost, I have no way of paying for them  But that appears to be worked out at this time.

Also, I have been waiting on a court date for my disability hearing and finally got word that we had a court date in August.  And on September 24. I received the decision in the mail.  I got very nervous.  My hands were shaking so it was hard to open the letter, part in fear that it was another denial and part joy for it may say 'approved'.   Finally being able to get it open, I looked for the page that would have the decision on it...'FULLY FAVORABLE'!!!  I began to cry and it scared mom for she just knew I was once again denied.  With tears running down my face and hands still shaking, I handed mom the letter and asked 'Does that say what I think it says?'  Mom looked and I could tell she was reading the letter.  I didn't care what the letter itself said, only concern I had is that I had read those two words correctly!!  She stopped and said 'if you mean the fully favorable', you did read it right.

God is so good!!  As I stated at the beginning of this post, turn it 'ALL' over to Him and the blessings do come.  Maybe not in the form we most prefer but how He intends on them to be.  And yes, just for today that is okay in my book.  No, I still am having flare ups of my fibro.  Dad is still not well and mom is having other health issues with her blood thinner.  But none of that really matters.  No it really doesn't matter what we are having to go through for your entire life will be spent 'going through stuff'.  Whether it be good, bad or indifferent, we all will go through 'stuff' our entire lives.  What does matter and it really, really, does matter, is what we do, or how we are, when we get through it.  There should be growth from the process of 'going through' and getting to the others side.  No matter what, no matter how we go through, what matters is when we get to the other side of it, what do we do with it.then.  That's all.  Yes, it is that simple.  We, being human, make it so complicated that we lose sight on what really matters at times.

There is always, always, something making us go through changes in our lives.  And if we don't change, even just a little bit, from going through, sorry to say that same thing maybe in a bit different form, will continue to test us until, hopefully, we get it and grow from it.  This is one thing, the most important thing, I feel I have learned by being in a 12 step program.  That life will and does show up.  Thing is, am I going to show up or show out when it does happen.  And no, we sometimes have to go through it over and over again because it is just plain old human nature that makes us hard headed and resistance to change.  No body likes change.  But that is exactly what has to happen to get through life one day at a time.

As I stated, we are still going through a lot this year, me, mom and dad.    And I know God is working on us for some reason.  For a purpose that we cannot yet see or understand, but yet I know in my heart that this is true.  So, I will remain still until I know what to do, if anything.  I will remain obedient and teachable.  Open minded and willing until the time comes for me to obey but live my life making my choices and praying that it is God's will working in my life and not my own.  It is only by His grace and love that I am even here, alive, being able to make choices, enjoy my granddaughter and enjoy life in general as best I can.  No I am not and will not ever be prefect.  That is not my goal in life.  That is not what I strive for.  To be obedient and willing to be what God wants me to be.  And I know that He wants me to be the best that I can.

Happiness is a choice I make each day.  Some days are better than others.  But it is those 'others' that make the better ones that much better.  In my book God is the only one perfect and I strive to be more like Him, made in His likeness.  No, I do not strive to be like Him, I strive to be what He will have me to be.

So I think the road ahead will be hard, full of obstacles, and tests.  There are still things that need to be changed, in my life, my family's life and in the world we live in.  I shutter to think of what our world is being and has become.  We are so far from what God wants us to be and yet does anyone really care that much?  The people that are in the position to make decisions that are earth shattering, decisions that are the hardest to make but the easy ones also seem to be undoable.  I have witnessed good and bad changes from the people that make up our government.  So sad to see my country, America, in the shape she is in today.

Are there others that feel this way?  Maybe you feel everything is okey dokey in your world, but I really doubt there are many that feel that way.  What can you do about it?  Pray, pray and pray some more.  Search your heart and see what God would do, for it is His will that we all should seek in this life.  Yes, I know we have all heard this before, difference now, what are YOU going to do?  What does God have in store for YOU today?  For me, there are too many YOU's and not enough WE:s.  Maybe YOU can't change things but WE can.  I feel 100% sure about that.  I alone cannot do much but WE together can move mountains as long as God is leading our way.  As long as WE do what God's will for us may be, WE can change.

Change ourselves, others and the world.  WE can make a difference.  We make a difference everyday individually, yes we do but if you stop and think about it, break it down, did you really do that alone??  Not if you have God in your life.  WE, is always, always so much better than I.

So, as I close and yes this is going to end at some point, is God in your life?  Have you accepted Him as Lord and Savior?  Do you allow Him to work in your life?  Do you do what you think God's will is for you?  Or, do you just sit back and complain?  Saying, nothing good ever happens to me?  If this is you or at the very least, if this makes you stop and think, then maybe these are things that you feel.  Only you can change and grow as God would have you do.  Only you can say that over and over again every day.  Only you, it started with you and God when you were born.  It will end with God in control, will you be there beside Him?  Fighting for His namesake?

I will...just sayin'...

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