They did what? Why did they do that? What could have been so bad as to take one’s own life? These are some of the questions one may ask themselves if someone they know commits suicide. This is a ‘touchy’ subject to say the least, but one that I have been praying for God’s guidance in writing this post. I, myself, do not have any experience in the thinking process nor the attempting process. What I do have is the knowledge that in active addiction anything and everything is possible for every addict. No addict is exempt from anything. Just because I have not experienced something myself, only means that if I should go back out to use, I to am eligible for anything to happen.
So, I have done a little research on this topic and want to express that this in no way is being directed to anyone person or event. So many of the people I grew up with, went to school with, have for whatever reason found it necessary to end their life by their own hand. Also, I would like to add that no one, not any of us knows what kind of relationship another person may or may not have with God. It is not my place nor anyone’s place to question this fact, the only one that knows beyond a shadow of a doubt what their relationship with the God of their understanding is that person and God. No one else.
Suicide is about the 8th leading cause of death. On an average 29,000 people commit suicide each year. Approximately 50% of all suicides involve alcohol and/or illegal drug use for those that commit suicide, they test positive for drugs and/or alcohol present in their body at the time of death. About 25% of completed suicides, the person had a drug and/or alcohol abuse problem. Folks that are 30 years or younger, are increasing in the number of suicides. This is in part because of substance abuse that is now among young adults. More men than women choose suicide The rate or percentage of deaths each year has increased for death by suicide. Some experts say that financial stress that people are now facing is a major contributor. Baby Boomers’ rate of suicide are the highest and it is unknown as to why.
People will say “that was so selfish of them.” Not sure that I agree with that for my experience with using tells me that someone who chooses suicide as the answer to whatever maybe happening in their life feels like there is no other way to stop the pain of using or to live life in a way that they are happy. Still, I think, there are those that are so very depressed and they lose themselves to the disease of addiction.
What may causes someone to choose suicide as a way out, I can kinda relate to. There was a period in my active addiction that I prayed and asked God to take me out. Just end it right now. I begged and pleaded with Him to do everyone in my life a favor and take me out. I was so tired of being tired. A feeling of worthlessness, being dirty, and unloved consumed me. The thoughts of suicide did run across my mind a couple of times toward the end of active addiction, but I never acted on them. I can relate to the low self esteem, feeling of deep depression, feeling like a square trying to ‘fit in’ a round hole.
Seeing what committing suicide can do to the ones left behind. It is truly a sad picture that this paints for us. Some seem to feel ashamed or embarrassed when someone they love chooses this way to go. And I know that one reason is the way the world views ‘the act of suicide’. The lost looks on their faces as to ‘what do I do now’, ‘what do I tell people when they ask’, ‘maybe no one will ask’, and other feelings arise from this act. I sometimes think that being uneducated about something is part of the reason there are question of this nature. What we, or I as I need to keep this on me, was taught growing up, is that suicide is wrong.
That is something that I can never shake, feeling as if it is wrong. So I did my research and that in and of itself is why I stated at the beginning that no one can know what is truly in someone’s heart. No one can fully understand someone’s beliefs in God or not in God. Only that person and God know what the deal between them may be. Only God can see directly into our hearts and be ‘all knowing’ as to our mindset.
I urge you to do your research before you ever make a decision on anything or any body. We don’t always know ‘what’, ‘why’, or ‘where’. We all have questions when someone chooses suicide, for we, or I, cannot fully understand what the person’s relationship with God may be. I do know that I, myself, knows where one would be coming from in a deep depressed state of mind. I understand that there are those who have lost the mind they had and are lost inside themselves. In active addiction, there are things that happen, how people change when using and what that drug may do to them that it will not do to others.
Please do not read more in to this post than what is here. That this being simply a statement as to the number of people that I know or have known that decided to ‘check out’ themselves by suicide. It is a statement to hopefully get some to understand that no one can know a persons relationship with God. It is a statement hoping that you will research this and any other subject that you are unsure as to how or what you feel about it. It is, in and of itself, a statement that though I do not fully understand the act of suicide, I do and will remain as positive as I can that they are where they should be. That there is a change in the religious realm to the ideas put out there for man to explore and find their own true answer.
May you all understand: To the ones of you that have left this world by your own hand, I am praying for you and your families. Praying for knowledge so as not to judge you because of this act of suicide. Praying that others will do what is needed for them to understand and be at peace with someone who has chosen this ‘way out’ for them. That you and I can look at the act of suicide and not be critical or judgmental. That we can look closely and just try to understand a small amount of what that person must have been going through and that they did or had already accepted Christ into their lives.
I pray that if you have or are having feelings that suicide is the answer, please talk to someone first. Give people a chance to understand why and that you understand why yourself. That you would reach out to someone that can maybe help you with whatever it is that you are feeling like committing suicide.
I pray for those that have gone ahead to the next world by way of suicide that they did know and understand fully their actions and that God had been accepted by them. For all things are possible with God’s love. For their families and friends to try to understand that it was not an act of selfishness. Understand what that person may have been going through and how they may have looked at their own situation in life. And pray that the person had accepted God and knew Him in their own way.
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