Okay, I think I have taken just about as much as I can. Now, before I begin I need to say this is me, only me, and if you are offended, then well, that's just too bad isn't it? I do appreciate the folks that take the time to read my blog, really I do. And there are going to be times that my view is different from someone else's. So, the ones that know me, here I go again, so hold on, it is going to be a bumpy ride...
First I would like to say that I am an American!! Born in the south and proud to be a true Southern born American! (not to ruffle feathers of others born in other areas, we are all Americans, okay). Yes, I am a little redneck, too, okay?? Over the past several years there have been things that have happened that make me want to just shake the people that live here and say, "Have you lost your freaking minds!!??"
Growing up I was taught to respect my elders, the American flag and the leaders of our country. We said the "Pledge of Allegiance" everyday at school. We learned to respect and honor the American flag. We learned when, where and how the American flag was to be flown. We had mutual respect for each other as Americans. There were many different celebrations all over America to celebrate our forefathers and this great land of ours that they fought so hard to build and nurture. They did this in order for us to have a place to live, free from being ruled and told every little thing to do and not do. They did this for our "FREEDOM"!!!
Now, our children are not allowed to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in schools nor are they allowed to pray. Even at sporting events such as football, there is no prayer before the games anymore. Simple things such as this is what, I think, set America apart from other countries. We have the right to freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and so on. These rights and all the others that we have had for years because of our forefathers are almost all gone. My question is "WHY"?!
What has happened to us? What is happening to us? There are people that live here but do not and/or can not speak English! They can live here and have all the freedom and rights that we have and then some. Please don't get me wrong, I do not hate anyone. And I, by no means, wish harm to anyone anywhere. But how can we, as Americans stand by and watch what once was a great country go , for lack of whatever, to hell in a handbasket?????
Have we lost our sense of pride, love, compassion? We have allowed this to happen. How you may ask, by the people that we choose to govern us and our land. By not caring who we elect into office, just so long as they say what we want to hear. No matter that their record shows a different person, they sound good. They made us promises. They have changed and are not like their records shows.
These are things I hear and have heard over the years. Well, I think it is time that Americans woke the heck up!!! Just because things are in the shape they are, why on earth would we, as Americans, want it to continue and more than likely grow worse? Why do we stand here and just go through the motions if even that? We see what is happening. You talk about it everyday, how you wish things were like they use to be.
Now, the younger folks will say, "We needed change." Well, to those younger folks I say "Show some respect for your elders! Dress like you are 'somebody', not like your folks can't afford clothes that fit you right! Yea, pull your pants up and be a man! Stop having sex before you are ready so we can stop supporting children that are not ours! Grow the heck up and be accountable for YOUR actions! For your choices!
It is such a shame the state of America today. I pray day and night that God have mercy on us. I pray that God would touch the people that govern our country. I pray that God will continue to watch over our troops here and abroad. They are such brave and giving men and women that protect this nation of our's. And some people have the nerve to spit at our troops, to spit at our flag, to stand and watch someone "BURN" our flag, to say they don't want to do this or that for it may be taken as being prejudice such as wear a pin of the United States of America flag...... Yes, something that simple should speak volumes to all Americans, but 4 years ago it didn't. Will it this election year?
I know that a lot of you have different viewpoints but that is what is so great about America, we encourage freedom to think differently, to be able to say what you think as long as you don't intentionally do harm to someone else. Feel free to leave your comments. And please don't take this the wrong way, I do not and will not debate my feelings with anyone for I don't have to. I don't feel the need beyond this post to express my feelings, concerns and fears about what is happening and what may happen if we, as Americans, don't stand together and see that the ones in office are taking ALL and I do mean ALL our civil rights away. Little by little until we will have none.
Ask yourself, as you look back over the past years, is America where she should be? Do we want her heading in the direction, I feel, that may/will be the end for us all? Is America protected enough to withstand another attack like 9-11? Has America not been shaken to her core with attacks, threats and ridicule? Do we not want to be able to walk down the streets and hold our heads high and have a pride in our step just because? Just because we are Americans and we are proud of that fact. Proud enough to shout it from rooftops. Proud enough to post on Facebook "I am an American". Proud enough to do our civil right to vote for who we feel will do the job since others have proven time and time again, they cannot and they will not because they can't and/or won't.
It's not their fault or their problem or their concern!! If it is not theirs, men and women voted into office, then whose is it? Whose problems are they? Who is to blame for the state America is in? If not the elected officials then are we not at fault? Are we not to blame? Do we not need to make the hard decisions needed to be made instead of leaving it to the next person? Should we not be responsible? Should those in office now, not bear some of the responsibility?
My hope, my prayer is that each one of you that read this will stop and think......not how mad you are at me for posting this but what is your part in all of this? What could you do? What should you do? What are your responsibilities in life? To this nation? To yourself? To your children and grandchildren?
I love each and everyone of you and I do hope that you will stop and think. Leave me a comment if you feel the need to. But as stated, I am not here to debate with anyone. I may not respond, but I am sure someone would like to share their take on this. Agree or not, you do have an opinion don't you? That is a right that has yet to be taken away. So maybe, just maybe you would like to exercise that right? I welcome all and debate with none.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and better yet, thank you for your comments. God bless and keep you all in His loving grace and mercy, Amen! (Yes, you can still pray on the Internet!)
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