Do you remember when...during the summer all the windows and doors on your house were open to cool things off, day and night. Only the so called "rich people" had air conditioning. Now, most everyone has air conditioning and the windows and doors are always closed. Remember when you left your house to run to the store, you left the doors unlocked. Not now, most folks have their doors locked even if they are at home. Remember when the roads in your neighborhood or friend's neighborhood were dirt. Now, roads are paved before the houses are ever built.
Remember when you only had about 5 to 7 TV channels to choose from. Now, most folks have 100 to 600 and still can't seem to find anything worth watching. Remember when you were a kid, you played outside until your mom yelled for you to come home. Not now, kids have no idea what to do outside. Their days are spent playing video games.
Remember when the ice cream truck came around in you neighborhood. Now, if I were to see an ice cream truck in my neighborhood, I would wonder why are you here and maybe I might need to call the police. Remember penny candy, gas was 25 cent a gallon, after a spring rain you go outside to play in the puddles, riding your bike all day, playing marbles, jacks, and hopscotch. Kids today really don't know what they missed out on. They go to school and come home to stay in the house all day and all night, never going outside for anything if they can help it.
Remember when, this is my favorite one, you and your family would travel somewhere on vacation. You didn't stop to eat at a restaurant like you do today. No, I really think this is the original "tailgate party". You would stop on the side of the road where there were picnic tables and eat out the trunk of the car. I don't think they even have picnic tables on the side of the roads anymore.
All the things we remember from our childhood change as we get older. Some changes are good and some not so much. But that is a part of life, continuous change. We will always have something or someone find a "better way" of doing things. As they say "All good things must come to an end". It would be great if some of the good things could just stay a good thing.
Our world is changing whether we like it or not. We have to resolve ourselves to this fact one way or other. It is easy to accept when it is things we agree need to change, but when the change is something we feel is not okay, then we find a hard time accepting it.
My hope is that this world will not change so much to where I don't recognize it any more. This is slowly becoming the way I see the world. There are so many things that have changed or gone away that sometimes I really don't recognize what it was. This saddens my heart. Would love to hear the sound of children outside playing, the ice cream truck music as it travels around the block with good, cold ice cream, the cash registers with the bells and whistles sounds that they did have.
No reason for this blog except that I just got to thinking about these things and wonder how many folks out there are like me. What are some of the thing you remember that may not be listed? Leave a comment letting me know what you miss. I truly hope that you get just plain ole enjoyment just reading the thoughts of someone else. Love writing and sharing what is on my mind.
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