Moving along in my story, I stated that my life began then I entered the treatment facility. That is exactly what I meant. I had no "life", not really. Some of the things that I am posting are the things that I have learned over the last 2 1/2 years. They are what I am and should have always been. My post are true and straight from my heart. That is why sometimes there are a few days in between them. In order for me to do this blog the way I want it to be sometimes I have to take a step back and look at the "whole" picture. So......
It was around 2 am when we arrived at the treatment facility. The ladies that were there to meet us were very nice and didn't seem to mind that it was the middle of the night. I gave hugs and kisses to my mom, sister and aunt and told them the next time they saw me, I would be on my road to recovery. One of the hardest things I had to do was tell them good-bye, not knowing for sure when I would see them again. Both ladies were so very understanding and helped me get settled in my room with what I needed that night. They explained that the morning shift would give me the things that I would need: sweat pants and shirt, socks, flip-flops, underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, comb, I think that was all.
Anyway, everyone wore sweats or scrubs, flip-flop shoes and socks and the thing that really weirded me out was the "one size fits most" underwear, same for women as for men out of the same box!! Unreal! I just could not believe that, but there it was. I went straight to bed after the ladies checked me in. The next morning, about 6, maybe a little earlier or sometime around 6, I was awaken by a lady that stated it was time to get my vitals taken. So, after only about 2-3 hours sleep, I got up, walked down the hall and took my seat outside the day room. We all went in one by one having our temperature and blood pressure taken. After I had my turn I went back to bed. I was told when they took my vitals that I was not required to go to classes or meetings that day if I didn't want to. You see, your first day there they let you sleep because we all needed that to adjust.
Now, all this is happening in the detox building at the treatment facility. You have nothing of your own. Everything that you may need is supplied by the facility. Everyone gets the same thing, we are all the same. Later you will learn that in recovery no one is better or worse than the next person. We are all the same. There were classes and meetings to attend each day in detox. And our meals were at the same time everyday. We followed a strict schedule, but this was teaching me how I should have been doing things all along.
As the days went by, I was interviewed by a couple of different doctors just getting some type of medical history that they could maybe use to help me better. I met people that were just like me. The group that I was in, all got along. It was like a huge family and we were all brothers and sisters. Watching out for each other, helping each other and learning from each other. After about 2 to 3 weeks I transferred to the rehab part of the facility.
While in detox, the doctors had a job in front of them, I was in pain, that's why I started using, to get rid of the pain. As my system cleaned itself of the drugs that I had been using, the pain started coming back. It really did scare me. I had never hurt that bad since my car accident. And no, you are not going to get a lot of info on me before I stopped using. We all know how to use, it is recovering we need help in. So, I was having crazy feeling muscle spasms and it took them a few days to get my medicine at the correct levels.
There is lots more to tell you, but I will save it for another time...
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