Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Well, Christmas is much different these days. There are so many of us that it is hard at times to get everyone something. This Christmas is no different. Hugs and kisses all around will be the gifts from me. But not too many kisses for after working to get a pretty smile for Christmas, I woke this morning to an abscessed tooth and my face is swollen. Very uncomfortable, but God will see me through this. Have some medicine and hopefully the swelling and soreness will be eased by Christmas night. That is the time that my family gets together to celebrate the season.
Am still trying to understand how some folks' minds work. I hear on the TV some man saying that kids have been exposed to too much violence on TV, in video games, and so on. That the media plays on the bad stuff making things sound cool the way they were done or like the bad people are so "great" because of all the hype the media gives them. And once more I ask "Do you hear the words coming out of YOUR mouth?" And now I am off to the races so to speak......
Too much violence on TV, well, parents YOU need to cut the TVs off. Video games...seriously...take them away and well, there is not much you can do about the media except 'TEACH' your children right from wrong. Take time to explain to them that that is just the media trying to sell papers, so to speak. Parents, YOU are the ones responsible for teaching these things to your children.
So many parents are very quick to blame the TV, the media and school teachers. It is not the job of the TV to babysit your children. It is not the job of the media to explain what, why or how to your children. And most of all, TEACHERS teach your children things like how to read, how to do math and so on. They are there to do the best they can with what they have to 'extend or enhance' what they "SHOULD BE TAUGHT AT HOME!!"
So, yea I know, I may upset some of y'all but that's just too bad. If parents today would teach their children the fundamentals of life, ie: manners, right from wrong, to respect others, and so on. The world today, sometimes I would just love to scream at the top of my lungs and say "What are you thinking?? Or are you thinking at all???" You wonder how someone can go into a school and kill young children, how someone could go into a restaurant and open fire on people they don't even know, and you say "We need to put God back into our schools."
Well, I say, and if I offend you do not read any more of this post, God only left because He is not in your hearts. He is not in the hearts of the children in school. Not all, but just hear me out, I am speaking just in general. In no way am I trying to say that anyone in particular, does not have God in their hearts, okay.
Now, yes they have said that you can't pray in school, aloud, you cannot pray before sporting events, aloud, prayer may offend someone of another faith or belief. I say, all this have the same thing, aloud. They cannot say you can't pray at all. If parents today, most parents, today would teach their children like I and many others were taught, a child can still pray in school, silently to themselves. They can still pray at sporting events, again silently and to themselves. No one has to hear what your pray is. You don't have to speak a single word when you pray, God is all knowing, all hearing and all seeing. Children today, most, don't even know if they believe in God, or not.
Folks, it is our responsibility to teach our children, your children if they are to have any type of chance in this world. Do not let the government 'dumb' your children down. That is what is happening when you think they can't pray in school anymore. The officials have stopped God from entering the schools. My friends, if you truly believe this then yes, you are truly lost.
God is everywhere and anywhere He wants or you need Him. We need to get Him back where He should be and that is in your hearts. In to the hearts of your children. No one or no officials should ever be allowed to make you think for just a moment that you cannot call on God if needed. That is not their right.
This is what I feel the world needs today. America needs today. Put God back into your hearts and minds. Teach your children the fundamentals of growing up and becoming an adult. If you have no clue as to what I am speaking of, just ask your grandmother or grandfather, they know. I bet they have been trying to tell you for years "You shouldn't let that child talk to you that way." "You are the parent, not the child."
You see, I truly feel that this is the problem, very simple with a simple solution. If I have learned anything in my process of recovery it is that most everything, problems, issues, and so, are simple and have very simple solutions. I feel it is time that parents take back what they should have never let go in the first place, their right to teach their child what they feel their child needs to know and what they want them to know. No one has the right to tell you different. They may think they can, but sorry, no they can not.
That is one of the reasons behind the "Constitution of the United States"! Not sure what I am talking about, well give it a read one day and you, hopefully, will understand. There are just some things that the government cannot tell you that you can or cannot do. To an extent, you can live your life the way you choose to, just don't hurt anyone else in that process. Yes, we all have laws that we must all live by but there are 'the rights of the people'!
Again, read "The Constitution of the United States" and then see if you don't understand life in America just a little better. As a Christian, I have laws other than those of the United States that I must follow. Not sure if you know them or not but God set forth two stone tablets in which He had carved in them, the 12 commandments. These are God's laws, not mans, but God's.
This holiday season, I pray that Americans will wake up and realize what is going on and what the solution for them is. Please understand that I am not, in any way trying to tell anyone what to do or think, that is not my right, what I am doing is trying to get people to understand that we, the people of America seem to have walked away from God, not the other way around.
The Christmas season is in celebration of God's gift to the world, His Son, Jesus Christ! He gave us His Son, so that we may know how He truly and deeply loves us, His children.
If I have offended you, I am truly sorry, but that is the reason for the statement earlier to stop reading. I am a person who believes in my right of free speech, as long as I do not hurt anyone else in the process. I believe in doing what I can to help someone else out as long as I don't hurt another in the process. I feel that some of the experiences that I have had in active addition and in recovery can help someone else. That is why I do this blog. If I can give just one person just a small piece of hope, comfort, the feeling of someone else caring for them, then I will continue to post.
Recently, I had someone email me back and stated 'please remove me from you list, I have requested in the past that you remove my name I don't care about this junk you are sending out.' Basically that is what their email read. I did not get mad, upset, or any way out of sorts. I calmly replied to the man and told him I was sorry. That his name would be removed and that I must have not gotten the first email, but I apologized any way stating that it must have been an over sight on my part. If anyone else feels the same, please let me know, for this does take time to post and then to email out to about 500 people.
And no, this is not going to stop me from writing my blog. If I am the only one that this helps, and believe me it does help me to write these things out, I am going to continue for myself, if for no one else.
May you all have a Happy and Joyous Christmas and may you Rejoice in the New Year!!
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